Method 2 | A Rose with Stem

1. Draw curved line. Sketch another one(slightly bigger) below the first until you are able to draw three similar shapes.

2. Draw a curved vertical line to represent the stalk and add a leaf on one side.

3. Sketch a rough outline of the rose, and then start drawing the petals. Use the "U" >> shape first.

4. Sketch the petals so they seem to overlap each other, on the first "U".

5. Add petal shaped details on the second "U".


6. Use the last "U" to guide you in sketching the petals similar to what you did on the first and second "U".

You can also add more petals if you wish for a more appealing rose drawing.

7. Draw the rose’s sepal using pointed angles.

8. Add thorns on the stem. This is best drawn using pointed angles. Add details to the rose’s leaf, do not forget that it has a serrated margin.

9. Color the drawing.